Fuel tank surveying and site surveys are a process designed to ensure work can be carried out safely and efficiently.
Tank and site surveys allow us to assess your facility, advising you on the correct route to take. We can then suggest how to correct any faults we find or that you are already experiencing.
It is rare to find two sites that are the same. Even if their setups are identical, location can pose different environmental challenges. The survey will cover many aspects, from the ground around your tank to the condition of the fuel inside it.
We will compile a report providing guidance to ensure you are compliant with UK regulations.
FUEL Tank surveying FAQ:
How long does the survey take?
The survey can take anything from a few hours to a whole day, dependent on the size and complexity of your site.
Will the survey interrupt my work?
We aim to carry out a survey without any interruptions to your daily routine. We will always meet with a site contact and discuss the plan. This ensures we can carry out the work safely with minimal disruption.
How much does it cost?
Our team need to ask you a few questions on the phone to best evaluate the cost and length of time we need to be on your site. We can then send you a quote for the work.
Do I correct the faults you find?
We will provide you with a quote to carry out any corrective work. This will have a few options and will contain an advisable time scale to carry out the work. In some cases, we will recommend immediate action, but the decision is always yours.
Why should I have a survey?
The main reason you should have a survey is to check you are compliant with UK fuel storage regulations. Another reason for a survey is to assess your facility’s functionality. Is it running to its optimal capability? Is your fuel contaminated? When was your storage tank last cleaned?